21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Mass Bounds on Wino Dark Matter from Thermal Leptogenesis

Presented by Dr. Kai SCHMITZ on 21 Jul 2014 from 17:30 to 17:50
Type: Particle Cosmology
Track: Particle Cosmology


A high inflationary energy scale not only entails a measurably large tensor-to-scalar ratio, which (could be / has been) seen in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background, but also suggests a high reheating temperature after the end of inflation. The prime candidate for a viable mechanism to generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe as well as the dark matter relic abundance is then thermal leptogenesis in combination with the decay of very heavy, thermally and nonthermally produced gravitinos into light winos. We revisit this cosmological scenario and connect it to upcoming searches for supersymmetry at the LHC. In particular, we derive explicit mass bounds on the dark matter particle that allow to scrutinize the compability between high-scale models of inflation and the vanilla scenario of thermal leptogenesis accompanied by WIMP dark matter.


Location: Renold
Room: F14

Primary authors
