21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Flavour Covariance in Semi-Classical and Field-Theoretic Transport Phenomena

Presented by Dr. Peter MILLINGTON on 21 Jul 2014 from 17:10 to 17:30
Type: Particle Cosmology
Track: Particle Cosmology


In arXiv: 1404.1003, we develop a fully flavour-covariant formalism for transport phenomena. A significant and novel element of this formulation is the inclusion of rates that carry higher-rank tensorial structure in flavour space. In this talk, we illustrate the necessary appearance of such rates by means of a generalization of the optical theorem, making connection with the unitarity cuts of partial non-equilibrium self-energies. In addition, we describe the flavour-covariant canonical quantization of spinor fields in the presence of spatially-inhomogeneous and time-dependent statistical backgrounds. Finally, we highlight the need for thermally-corrected real intermediate state (RIS) subtraction and comment on potential implications of our approach for quasi-particle approximations in the field-theoretic transport equations of the Schwinger-Keldysh Kadanoff-Baym formalism.


Location: Renold
Room: F14

Primary authors


