21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Higgs potential and inflation

Presented by Mr. Yuta HAMADA on 21 Jul 2014 from 15:10 to 15:30
Type: Particle Cosmology
Track: Particle Cosmology


The observed value of the Higgs mass indicates that the Higgs potential becomes small and flat at the scale around 1017GeV. Having this fact in mind, we reconsider the Higgs inflation scenario proposed by Bezrukov and Shaposhnikov. It turns out that the non-minimal coupling ξ of the Higgs-squared to the Ricci scalar can be smaller than ten. For example, ξ=7 corresponds to the tensor-to-scalar ratio r≃0.2, which is consistent with the recent observation by BICEP2.


Location: Renold
Room: F14

Primary authors
