21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Chaotic inflation and baryogenesis in Supergravity in the light of BICEP2 results

Presented by Marcos A GARCIA GARCIA on 22 Jul 2014 from 17:30 to 17:50
Type: Particle Cosmology
Track: Particle Cosmology


The detection of tensor modes by the BICEP2 experiment has been interpreted as the first direct evidence of cosmological inflation. The magnitude of the tensor perturbations is consistent with simple models of chaotic inflation with a quadratic potential; however, the realization of chaotic inflation and baryogenesis in supergravity is a non-trivial task. The SUSY breaking energy density generally gives a would-be inflaton an additional mass (typically of the order of the Hubble parameter), which spoils the flatness of the potential. The same effect induces masses to the low energy flat directions of the scalar potential, preventing Affleck-Dine baryogenesis from occurring. We show that the introduction of a chiral multiplet coupled to the inflaton (with a shift symmetry) and to the flat direction in N=1 supergravity allows the realization of quadratic inflation and Affleck-Dine baryogenesis. In addition, we present new schemes in which a quadratic potential for the inflaton can be obtained in no-scale supergravity. In this scenario the inflaton may be identified with the supersymmetric partner of a right-handed neutrino, generating the baryon asymmetry through its decay.


Location: Renold
Room: F14

Primary authors


