28-30 August 2019
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
LIDINE 2019: LIght Detection In Noble Elements The objective of the LIDINE conference series is to promote discussion between members of the particle and nuclear physics community about detector technologies based on noble elements and their applications in: dark matter searches, neutrino oscillation measurements, detection of supernova neutrinos, coherent neutrino scattering measurements, neutrinoless double-beta decay searches, neutron EDM experiments, and in medical physics. The conference will be held in Manchester, from Aug 28th to 30th 2019. The venue is the Jocelyn Bell-Burnell Lecture Theatre in the School of Physics and Astronomy Schuster Building. The deadline for abstract submission was July 15th, 2019, and is now passed. We may be able to accept a few more contributions - please email: lidine2019@manchester.ac.uk if you would like to submit an abstract after the deadline. Registration is open. Contributions will be divided into tracks: -- Light/charge response in Noble Elements (gas, liquid, dual phase) -- Light/charge readout (PMTs, SiPM, WLS, electronics, etc.) -- Detector techniques (HV, cryogenics, purification, calibration, etc.) -- Signal reconstruction and identification (analysis methods, simulations) -- Applications (dark matter, neutrino, precision frontier, medicine, etc.)
Starts 28 Aug 2019 08:00
Ends 30 Aug 2019 18:00
University of Manchester
A zoom connection will be provided for remote participation: https://fnal.zoom.us/j/385566458 Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 385 566 458 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aGelmra84 Join by SIP 385566458@zoomcrc.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan) Meeting ID: 385 566 458