1-5 July 2019
The University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
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More stringent constraints on the unitarised fermionic dark matter Higgs portal

Presented by Mr. Shyam BALAJI on 1 Jul 2019 from 15:10 to 15:30
Type: oral presentation
Track: Collider Probes of New Physics


We revisit the simplest model of Higgs portal fermionic dark matter. The dark matter in this scenario is thermally produced in the early universe due to the interactions with the Higgs boson which is described by a non-renormalisable dimension-5 operator. The dark matter-Higgs scattering amplitude grows as ∝s√, signalling a breakdown of the effective description of the Higgs-dark matter interactions at large enough (compared to the mass scale Λ of the dimention-5 operator) energies. Therefore, in order to reliably compute Higgs-dark matter scattering cross sections, we employ the K-matrix unitarisation procedure. To account for the desired dark matter abundance, the unitarised theory requires appreaciably smaller Λ than the non-unitarised version, especially for dark matter masses around and below the Higgs resonance, mχ≲65 GeV, and mχ≳ few TeV. Consequently, we find that the pure scalar CP-conserving model is fully excluded by current direct dark matter detection


Location: Schuster
Room: Blackett Lecture Theatre

Primary authors


