21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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A SU(5) footprint in the up-squarks sector

Presented by Mr. Yannick STOLL on 25 Jul 2014 from 16:50 to 17:10
Type: Quark Flavour Violation: SM and Beyond
Track: Quark Flavour Violation: SM and Beyond


We investigate the consequences at low energies of a MSSM-SU(5) induced symmetry relation in the up-squark sector. We show that this relation is not too much spoiled by the RGE running down to the electroweak scale and is kept relatively model independent. Therefore, it could bring us information on the possibility that a SU(5) symmetry holds at high energies assuming that the LHC will detect squarks and access, at least partially, to their flavour decomposition. In that purpose, we set up a statistical test based on a Bayesian approach and consider several cases, depending on the amount of flavour information the LHC will be able to collect on the up-squarks. We also derive an effective theory for the case of two light squarks which in turn allows us to find interesting relations among decay rates which should be of interest for experimentalist at LHC during its coming run at 14 TeV. The relevant low energies flavour constraints will also be included in the study in order to restrict our parameter space to a realistic case. The talk will be based on arXiv:1403.3397


Location: Renold
Room: E2

Primary authors


