21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Flavour in Dirac gauginos

Presented by Dr. Pantelis TZIVELOGLOU on 24 Jul 2014 from 15:10 to 15:30
Type: Models of SUSY
Track: Models of SUSY


LHC8 raised doubts on using naturalness as a guide in our quest for physics beyond the Standard Model. In MSSM fine tuning enters through the Higgs mass and in non-minimal extensions through the negative superpartner searches. One non-minimal theory with a less severe missing superpartner problem, is MSSM with Dirac gauginos. Dirac gauginos are also known to lead to much milder flavour violation bounds. We quantify bounds in well motivated flavour models and find out that this is true but only for a very restricted class of flavour patterns. Also, in investigating Dirac gaugino models, we identified a new way of suppressing quark - “gluino” couplings with novel phenomenological features.


Location: Renold
Room: E2

Primary authors
