21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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SM Higgs Combination and Higgs Properties Measurements (CMS)

Presented by Dr. Arnaud PIN on 22 Jul 2014 from 14:50 to 15:10
Type: Precision SUSY
Track: Precision SUSY


Within the SM, the masses of the electroweak vector bosons arise by the spontaneous breaking of electroweak symmetry by the Higgs field. The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), have reported the discovery of a new boson with a mass of approximately 125 GeV with a significance of five or more standard deviations each. Both observations show consistency with the expected properties of the SM Higgs boson at that mass. The determination of the properties of the observed boson, such as its couplings to other particles, mass, and quantum numbers, including spin and parity, is crucial for establishing the nature of this boson. In this talk we present the CMS experiment’s combination of results from Higgs all decays channels and the measurements of its properties.


Location: Renold
Room: E7

Primary authors
