21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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Moduli inflation in 5D SUGRA

Presented by Mr. Hajime OTSUKA on 25 Jul 2014 from 16:50 to 17:10
Type: Formal SUSY and Strings
Track: Formal SUSY and Strings


We propose a simple but effective mechanism to realize an inflationary early universe consistent with the observed WMAP, Planck and/or BICEP2 data which would be incorporated in numerous particle physics models constructed in a (effective) five-dimensional spacetime. In our scenario, the inflaton field is identified with one of the moduli appearing when the fifth direction is compactified, and a successful cosmological inflation without a so-called $\eta$ problem can be achieved by a very simple moduli stabilization potential without breaking the supersymmetry at the vacuum. We also discuss the related particle cosmology during and (just) after the inflation, such as a (no) cosmological moduli problem.


Location: Renold
Room: E1

Primary authors


