21-26 July 2014
Renold Building
Europe/London timezone
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FlexibleSUSY - A spectrum generator generator for supersymmetric models

Presented by Mr. Alexander VOIGT on 21 Jul 2014 from 17:10 to 17:30
Type: Precision SUSY
Session: Precision SUSY
Track: Precision SUSY


After the discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC and the increasing lower mass limits on supersymmetric particles, non-minimal alternatives to the MSSM, such as the NMSSM, USSM, E6SSM etc., are highly relevant. So it is very important to facilitate easier exploration of such models. In this talk the spectrum generator framework FlexibleSUSY is presented, which creates a very fast, modular C++ spectrum generator for any SUSY model specified by the user. Previously the only available option for many models was the SPheno-like Fortran code generated by SARAH. FlexibleSUSY provides Mathematica meta code, which takes SARAH-generated RGEs, self-energies and tadpoles and creates a fast and modular C++ spectrum generator. It allows for great flexibility and easy adaptability at both the meta-code and the C++ level.


Location: Renold
Room: D1

Primary authors


